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Ditching The Itch By Switching To Organic Cotton Tampons

When switching to TOTM organic cotton tampons, many customers say that they feel a difference. One of our lovely TOTM customers shares her experience of using TOTM tampons!

Growing up, I was never one to take my health seriously. I’m sorry to say that my diet consisted mainly of junk food and alcohol (the classic student diet).

Around about my mid 20’s I changed my attitude to health and well-being. I came to learn that my body is a temple, not a rundown village hall.  After having this epiphany (if you can call it that) I started to educate myself on how better to look after my body.  I started to eat organic food, walk to work, and stopped relying on my partner to do everything for me. Yes, I proudly started to get off the sofa to get my own drink from the kitchen. That’s how bad things were before!

This refreshed approach to my body and health made me recall the advice my mother gave me during my teens. When I moaned about my skin breakouts or fluctuating weight she always told me that if I wanted to be healthier I had to think about it what I was putting into my body. I think this is simple, yet powerful advice. I do have to admit though that although I applied this advice to my eating habits, I never considered other parts of my body.

Discovering TOTM products

Admittedly I didn’t come across TOTM products because I was looking for a healthier alternative. I came across the brand following a discussion with a friend.

Before trying TOTM, I had always used mainstream, non-organic cotton tampons and I was experiencing discomfort during my period that I had come to accept as ‘the norm’. I suffered from irritation and a sometimes-itchy vagina that left me having to change my tampon every hour just to feel fresh again. I also experienced heavy spotting following my period. It was only after discussing this with a close friend that I realised these symptoms could potentially be avoided. This got us talking about alternative period products.

After our chat, my friend introduced me to TOTM and their medium organic cotton tampons. Before using the product, I investigated the company and read their online blogs. I discovered I was not the only person suffering from discomfort when using non-organic tampons!  It was such a calming thought knowing that I was not alone and that there were other products on the market. I was therefore so excited to try TOTM tampons to see if making the switch did make a difference.

Let’s face it, it is bad enough having to put up with the usual period symptoms let alone additional discomfort!

So, did I notice a difference using TOTM organic tampons?

Short answer – Yes!

After going organic I honestly noticed a difference right away.  My period came and went without the several days of spotting that usually followed.  I also felt fresher in my nether regions and to my delight the irritation and itching completely vanished. I must confess I was surprised to see such a significant difference. I’m so pleased that have found a product that helped me ditch the itch.

Proud to use TOTM products

Thanks TOTM for helping me be kinder to my vagina and for making my period less uncomfortable.  I genuinely feel passionate about TOTM products. When you notice a difference like I have you just want to shout about it and spread the word. I am constantly nagging my friends and colleagues to try organic cotton tampons. It’s time we tried to be kinder to our vaginas!

To view TOTM products click here. For more customer reviews and advice follow TOTM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

Blog written for TOTM by customer Ellie Watkins using the Medium applicator organic tampons.


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