Our customer Chloe shares her experience switching to TOTM organic cotton period care. Read her switch story below #SwitchStories
No more pain and discomfort
What is your first name?
Why did you choose to switch to TOTM products?
I’m starting a slow but sure plastic free adventure and loved the idea of biodegradable sanitary products! Also, the fact they don’t include any harsh chemicals is amazing
Had you used organic cotton period care products before using TOTM?
When using conventional period care products (non-organic) did you experience any discomfort or irritation?
Yes, with my regular tampons I got bad stomach cramps and the string used to really irritate me making my time of the month even more unbearable
What TOTM products did you use/have you trialled?
Applicator tampons
Have you noticed any improvements since switching to organic cotton?
No more pain and discomfort
Overall, did you find this was a negative or positive experience using the organic products? (Please consider performance, comfort etc)
A very positive experience for me! Comfortable and very absorbent, not had to change as often so it makes my day easier
Any additional feedback?
My mum used tampons regularly but they made her ill every time and we only realised t was the tampon recently and since she switched to TOTM she’s had none of the symptoms she had before
How likely are you to continue using TOTM products?
Extremely likely