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How to manage your period when camping

Looking for tips on how to manage your period when camping? We’ve got you covered!

The thought of having a period whilst camping can be quite stressful. What if the cramps are bad? Where do you put your used tampon or pad? But your period doesn’t have to put a downer on your trip. We have some top tips to help you take power over your period whilst camping!


First things first, being prepared can save you a whole lot of stress! The last thing you want is for your period to catch you out. It depends where you go, but it could be difficult to access period care products nearby. Whether you are due on or not, it’s wise to bring a stockpile of tampons, pads or liners (depending on what you use). Even if you don’t use them, you could end up helping someone else in need. It is also a good idea to bring spare underwear in case your period does make an unexpected arrival or if you happen to leak.

Tracking your cycle

Following on from the last tip, tracking your menstrual cycle will give you a more accurate idea of when your period might arrive. If you track your cycle consistently, you will also get an idea of when you might experience PMS symptoms. You can then prepare accordingly. For example, if you start to experience bloating in the week leading up to your period and know you will be camping during this time, pack comfortable clothing and sleepwear. Another tip to manage bloating is to snack on water-dense snacks (such as pineapple and watermelon). They prompt you to urinate excess water and salt out of your body, offering a relief from bloating. So if you know your period is due you can stock up on these types of snacks before your camping trip! Our personal favourite tracking app is Flo.

Take power over your cramps

Cramps are not the easiest thing to deal with. They can make you want to curl up in a ball, which is not what you want when you’ve planned an exciting trip away! But there are camping-friendly ways to soothe cramps. Let’s face it, we all crave chocolate (or vegan chocolate) when our period arrives. The good news is, dark chocolate can help relieve your cramps. It is high in magnesium, a period saviour (more on this here). Magnesium relaxes the uterine muscles, offering relief from cramp pain. Stock up on dark chocolate bars that you can snack on during your stay. We also recommend bringing along some reusable snap/gel heat pads, as heat is SO effective for soothing cramps.

Disposing of your products

One of the biggest worries people have when camping is how to dispose of used tampons or pads. If you have read our blogs before, you will know we are HUGE fans of FabLittleBag. These are a must for camping, as they are super convenient and easy. When it’s time to change your tampon or pad, simply remove it and pop it in one of the bags. They have a tight seal making them incredibly hygienic and if you don’t have access to a bin you can just keep them in your bag. Alternatively, you can use a menstrual cup. These can be worn for longer than tampons so if you can’t get to a toilet frequently, they give you that added protection time. If you don’t have access to a sink, take a bottle of water to the toilet with you so you can rinse the cup out when it’s time to remove it. Just make sure you sterilise the cup before your next period. Get the lowdown on menstrual cups here.

Toilet roll

Being caught in a situation where the toilet roll has run out is no fun. It’s wise to pack toilet roll and/or tissues to ensure you always have access to some. If you do use a menstrual cup and are unable to wash it out with bottled water, you can always wipe it with some tissue. This is essential for camping on your period!

We hope you find these tips helpful! Do you have any tips on how to manage your period when camping? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @totmorganic!

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