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Switching to Organic Cotton Period Care: Less irritation and more comfort!

According to our consultant Gynaecologist, Ms Anne Henderson people who switch to organic cotton period care products “may find them more comfortable to use than synthetic, fragranced ones.”

Organic cotton tampons, pads and liners are gentler on the body. This is because they leave out synthetic fibres and perfumes. These are unfortunately often found in mainstream brands. Unnatural fragrance and unnecessary additives can cause irritation. Irritation in the form of rashing and itching or general discomfort during wear. The vagina is highly absorbent. It’s important to, therefore, consider what products you’re using in the vaginal area.

Switching to organic cotton period care: “I didn’t expect to feel the difference”

We recently received feedback from one of our subscribers, Nina White. Nina switched to TOTM after discovering us on social media but became surprised by the feel of organic cotton period care. Here’s what Nina had to say:

“When my friend started telling me about TOTM, I was instantly intrigued. After following their super dreamy Instagram account, I went home and did some reading up on the benefits of switching to organic tampons.

It’s crazy to think that I’d been having periods for nearly 16 years and had never actually stopped to think about the choices I was making when it came to the tampons I was putting into my body. Like, what are they even made of? I think I’d been on auto-pilot since the day my period first arrived.

An eco-friendly and healthy choice

After reading endless articles, I became sold on the potential health benefits. I was also excited to make an eco-friendlier choice. So, I placed my first TOTM order. I’d never strayed far from the usual supermarket brands, so I was keen to see if this new, independent company could match up. My delivery arrived on time – just what you want from a company providing your monthly tampons – so far, so good.

The comfort of organic cotton!

Using TOTM products for the first time, I was happy just knowing that I’d made a better choice for my body and for the environment.

What I hadn’t expected was for their tampons to feel so much better than my usual brand! I hadn’t really noticed before that the tampons I’d been using previously were always slightly irritating, uncomfortable and hard to ignore. I guess that’s what I was used to. Since signing up to TOTM, I experience less discomfort and fewer cramps before and during my period. It makes perfect sense. The products I’d previously been using were made with bleach and other nasty chemicals that would no doubt have been causing this irritation. I’d never even thought to check their ingredients list or stopped to think about what I was being absorbed into the most sensitive part of my body each month.”

Does switching make a difference?

Nina is not the only TOTM customer who noticed a difference when making the switch to organic period care. We often hear this from customers. We recently received similar feedback from a group of bloggers who tested organic cotton tampons/pads for one period. This means that thousands, millions even, of people might be experiencing unnecessary discomfort during their period. It just goes to show how one simple switch can have a huge positive impact on your wellbeing.

Are you ready to give organic a go? Choose from our range of 100% organic cotton tampons, pads and liners. SHOP NOW

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