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Cleansing Your Body And Mind: The Importance of Detoxing and Detox Retreats

Taking time out to detox is something we should all do whenever possible, in order to support our health and prevent exhaustion.

We spoke to Carolyne Ji, also known as the queen of all things nutrition and detox due to her decade of combined experience in this area. Here she talks all about the benefits of detoxing, the different types and detox retreats.

The Detox Way…

“I have taken hundreds of individuals through a detox program. Every time I’m amazed at the results achieved and how wonderful each person feels after experiencing a detox journey.

Detoxification methods are a must have tool for the 21st Century. Especially for city people to improve vitality longevity. City life can be very toxic! It is busy, demanding and at times chaotic. We want to do and be our best always. When we’re so focused on our goals, we can easily forget about our health. By supporting our health and energy, we avoid ill health and the all too common ‘burn out’ as well as maximise our time and expertise.

Detox is a natural process of the body/mind. As a result, the human body has inbuilt detoxification and elimination channels.

Why Detox?

For the last 50 years, our environment has been polluted with thousands of man-made chemicals, year after year. Most of these chemicals are very harmful to us. These chemicals are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. They are also found in the skin care products we use, in household products, pharmaceutical/ recreational drugs and so on. We are also living in a highly technological era, constantly being overwhelmed with information. Consequently, this overload of chemicals is toxic to our body/mind.

To quote health entrepreneur David Wolfe:

‘According to some estimates more than three thousand chemicals are added to our food supply and ten thousand chemicals are involved in food processing, storage and preservation. The chances of being contaminated by this toxicity are high, and it has a cumulative effect that results in irregularities and disorders in the body and mind.’

Who Should Detox?

I recommend that everyone should undertake a detox programme at least once or twice a year, as well as including cleansing foods and techniques into their daily life. If you resonate with any of the points below, it’s a clear message from your body that it’s time for a detox right now!

. Feeling tired and overworked all the time

. Willing to change your life for better

. Having troubles with fertility

. Feeling tired of going to doctors and not getting your symptoms/illness cured

. Having troubles sleeping

. Feeling bloated, constipated, suffering from IBS

. Struggling to lose weight

. Worried about premature ageing

Key Benefits of a Detox

. Cell Rejuvenation

. Clear focused mind

. More energy to be and do it all in the city

The wonderful benefits of detox have been experienced for thousands of years by ancient cultures. I have experienced them myself many times & I have seen hundreds of people feel fantastic after a detox program and retreat.

Different Types of Detox:

. Vegan Food

. Raw Food

. Vegetable Juices

. Alkalising Soups & Broths

. Water Fast

Why Go on a Detox Retreat?

When you go on a Detox Retreat, you are giving yourself the opportunity to recharge your batteries from everything that modern day living throws at us.

There are many wonderful benefits to going on a detox retreat. Some of these include a new found sense of energy; clearer and a more youthful appearance; and feeling focused and cleansed both physically and mentally. It is a truly remarkable experience and everyone would benefit from incorporating this type of holiday into their lives. A retreat can sometimes be perceived as a luxury, but it should be seen as a necessity and an investment in your health.

When we do step away from our everyday lives and find time to relax, our body and mind are more open and susceptible to receiving and accepting treatment. As a result, it’s easier to tap into our physical and emotional aches and pains, change habits and thought patterns, and consequently become more mindful of how we live our lives.

You should leave my retreat feeling physically and emotionally lighter and equipped to improve your overall well-being.

Results That You Can Expect After My Detox Retreat:

. Fat tissues burned up

. Improved eating habits

. Blood sugar levels more regulated

. Boosted immune system

. Enhanced mental clarity & focus

. Increased energy & vitality

. Reduced stress levels

. The juices, the salads and the broths/soups that we prepare for you are very rich in live vitamins, minerals and enzymes. These vital elements from this vibrant food help alkalise the body and normalise body processes. This encourages healing to happen for cell regeneration.

When joining any detox program or retreat it is ESSENTIAL to have Pre and Post-Detox Guidance. This is to make sure you enter the detox slowly and you know how to carry on with your daily life after the detox. This will make a HUGE difference and it will maximise the results of your experience.

Detox is a life changing experience! It revitalises; resets you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Yoga Retreat: Exclusive TOTM offer

I invite you to join me and my team for our next 6-day retreat. 5 Senses Yog and Cleanse Retreat: a Journey of Transformation. Taking place October 6th – 12th in beautiful South-West France.

Together, we will embrace and reconnect with the 5 Elements. This will be done through things such as Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation. This will also be achieved through Vegan Cleansing Food, Nature, Ayurveda Chinese Health Principles, Holistic Therapies, WuTao Dance, Workshops and much much more.

Find about more information about the retreat here.

To reserve your place now or/and if you have any questions contact Carolyne Ji via email, website, Instagram or Facebook.

*Carolyne Ji is giving an extra £50 discount to our TOTM family for bookings until 30th of July. Contact Carolyne directly for more information.*


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